"Developing the Crossborder Cooperation Model between Business Parks"

The Postojna Commune is situated in the southwestern part of Slovenia where the coast meets the interior. Being situated at the crossroad of important traffic links and because of its strategic position between Ljubljana, Trieste (Italy), Gorizia (Italy and Rijeka (Croatia), Postojna soon became an administrative and business centre of the Notranjska region.

postojna prestranek zona

Postojna and its surroundings offer visitors many attractions especially the unique natural phenomena as well as cultural and historic sites. The diverse countryside is ideal for jogging, hiking, horseback riding, cycling and other sports activities. Together with other attractions of the Notranjska region Postojna is an ideal tourist destination which tempts its visitors into discovering some of its many secrets.

Postojna is a member of BP Net and the business zone Prestranek has an area of 19 ha.

Crossborder Cooperation

BP Net is a project under the Community Initiative INTERREG IIIA, Neighbourhood Programme SLO - HU - HR 2004 - 2006 under the priority 1, economic - social cohesion and human resources development, measure 1.1. joint economic space. ”